Our Treatments Have Helped So Many People That They Want To Tell You Themselves
Vietnam Veteran Glenn Had Neuropathy Issues for 30 Years. Walking was like walking through a Mine Field
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- Balance is Improving
- Numbness 3/10
- Can Dance Again
- Total Believer
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Problems Feet
- Feet Were 100% Numb
- Neuropathy Balance Syndrome
- Tingling 5/10
- Non Believer
- Doctors Told No Treatment
- Walking and Standing are difficult
Meet the Wonderful Diane Talk About How Her Diabetic Neuropathy Is No Longer Part of Her Life
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Symptoms Hands and Feet
- Pain 7/10
- Numbness 8/10
- Tingling 5/10
- Pain worse at night
- HX of Lumbar Surgeries
- Spinal Stimulator
- Spinal Injections
- Walking and Standing are difficult
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- Symptoms Hands and Feet
- Pain 1/10
- Numbness 1/10
- Tingling 1/10
- Pain NOT worse at night
- Walking and Standing are
STRONGER than ever
Our Treatments Have Helped So Many People That They Want To Tell You Themselves
Diana Had Failed Back Surgery Induced. She Even Had A Screw Break in Her Back. She Could Not Walk Or Play With Her Kids. Watch Her Miraculous Story
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- Symptoms Back and Feet
- Pain 3/10
- Able To Walk
- Able To Reduce Pain Medications
- Able To Play With Kids
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Surgery Induced Neuropathy
- Pain 10/10
- Medications Not Effective
- Pain Upon Walking
- Pain worse at night
- HX of Lumbar Surgeries
- Fracture of Spine
- Walking and Standing are difficult
Dan was told that his neuropathy would never get well
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- Hands Completely Symptom Free
- Feet 95% Improved
- 100% Happy
- Able to hold things
- Dan is stronger than ever
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Neuropathy Started 10 Years Ago
- Burning 8/10
- Pain 8/10
- Idiopathic
- Told It Would Never Get Better
- Feet and Hands Were Symptomatic
- Could Not Hold Things
- Balance Issues
Jim was let down by his neuropathy doctors. No one had answers, just medications.
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- No More Issues in the Feet
- Balance is Back
- Feeling Back In the Feet
- Able to Stand
- Able to Walk
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Issues are in the feet
- No Balance
- Pain in the legs and feet
- Feet Numb
- Could Not Stand
- Could Not Walk For Long Periods
- Afraid of Being in a Wheel Chair
How Do We Help Peripheral Neuropathy
The NRM process is a unique treatment developed and tested by Dr. Bao Thai DC. He has spent the last 10 years researching and testing new and innovative ways to help patients with Neuropathy get results! He travels all around the world to discover and learn better ways of dealing with neuropathy. His background in nerves has helped him help thousands of patients to this point.
The NRM process helps patients avoid surgery and medications. It is ONLY available in Dr. Thai's Carrollton and Houston offices.
How we have been able to help so many people as we have, is based on experience and knowledge. Neuropathy is what we know and what we do the best.
Our Treatments Have Helped So Many People That They Want To Tell You Themselves
Ninfa developed Type 1 Diabetic Neuropathy. She sought help every where only to be told nothing could be done. Watch her story of now how she is living without the neuropathy symptoms
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- No More Neuropathy in the Feet
- Balance is Back
- Feeling Back In the Feet
- Able to Stand
- Able to Walk
- Pain 1/10
- Able to sleep
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Issues are in the feet
- Sleep Affected
- Cannot Stand for Long Periods
- Not Able to Perform Housework
- Neuropathy Worse at Night
- Pain 8/10
Leida's Neuropathy was so BAD she had to use a cane to walk. When she went to the grocery store she had to use a motorized cart. Watch her testimonial how she is now walking and living life without neuropathy
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- No More Neuropathy in the Feet
- Burning 1/10
- Tingling 1/10
- Numbness 1/10
- No More Using A Cane
- No Longer on Neuropathy Meds
- So Happy
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Symptoms in both feet
- Burning 8/10
- Tingling 7/10
- Numbness 8/10
- Constant All Day Long
- Had to Use a Cane
- Tried Tens Unit and Injections with NO success
- Neuropathy Medications NOT Effective
Our Treatments Have Helped So Many People That They Want To Tell You Themselves
Listen to Ken talk about his Surgery Induced Neuropathy
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- Immediate Relief
- Pain 1/10
- Burning1/10
- Stiffness 1/10
- Able to sleep at night
- Ken is stronger and better than ever
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Surgery Induced Neuropathy
- Neuropathy in Feet For 4 Years
- Pain 6/10
- Burning
- Stiffness
- L4 Laminectomy Induced
- Cannot spend time with his family
Do You Have Idiopathic Neuropathy and Have Not Gotten Results? Watch April Talk About How She is 100% Better
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- Walking Feels almost Normal
- Pain 1/10
- Stiffness 1/10
- Able to be Active Again
- Able to sleep at night
- No More Worrying About Not Being Able To Walk
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Genetic Induced Neuropathy
- Walking on Glass Feeling in Feet
- Pain 9/10
- Sleep Problems from Pain
- Suffered for 10 Years
- Doctors Seen - Podiatrist, Neurologist, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists
- Treatments Tried - Tens, Massage, Cryo, Medications
Our Treatments Have Helped So Many People That They Want To Tell You Themselves
Have You Had Lumbar Surgery and Developed Neuropathy? Watch Lotti's Video on How She Does Not Have Neuropathy Anymore
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- Walking Feels Normal
- Pain 1/10
- Able to sleep at night
- Able to be Active Again
- No More Worrying About Not Being Able To Walk
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Surgery Induced Neuropathy
- Onset 6 Years
- Hands and Feet Burn and Hot
- Sleep Problems from Pain
- On Pain Meds
- Walking on Nails Feeling in Her Feet
- Skeptical at First
Ellyn Went to So Many Doctors That Told Her Neuropathy Would Never Be Better. She Showed Them
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- No More Balance Problems
- Pain 1/10
- Able to sleep at night
- Able to be Active Again
- No More Worrying About Not Being Able To Walk
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Idiopathic Induced Neuropathy
- Onset 3 Years
- Neuropathy Balance Problems
- Seen Many Doctors
- On Pain Meds
- Skeptical at First
- Burning Pain
Our Treatments Have Helped So Many People That They Want To Tell You Themselves
Connie threw away her CANE on LIVE TV
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- NO More Balance Problems
- Plays Tennis
- Can Hike and Go on Vacation
- Able to be Active Again
- No More Worrying About Not Being Able To Walk
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Idiopathic Induced Neuropathy
- Used a Cane To Walk
- Neuropathy Balance Problems
- Could NOT Walk
- Could NOT Wear Shoes
Bill Developed Neuropathy From Chemotherapy. He was told that he had to live with it. Were they ever wrong
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- NO Pain In Legs and Feet
- Happy as Ever
- Is Active
- Wants to be Around His Family
- Doing Great!
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Chemo Induced Neuropathy
- Pain in Legs and Feet
- Never Felt Happy
- Could NOT Walk
- Could NOT Wear Shoes
How Do We Help Peripheral Neuropathy
The NRM process is a unique treatment developed and tested by Dr. Bao Thai DC. He has spent the last 10 years researching and testing new and innovative ways to help patients with Neuropathy get results! He travels all around the world to discover and learn better ways of dealing with neuropathy. His background in nerves has helped him help thousands of patients to this point.
The NRM process helps patients avoid surgery and medications. It is ONLY available in Dr. Thai's Carrollton and Houston offices.
How we have been able to help so many people as we have, is based on experience and knowledge. Neuropathy is what we know and what we do the best.
Our Treatments Have Helped So Many People That They Want To Tell You Themselves
Ronnie is a pharmacist. He developed Neuropathy and wanted a different solution than what his doctor prescribed
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- NO Pain In Legs and Feet
- Able to stand for long periods
- No More Neuropathy Meds
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Diabetic Induced Neuropathy
- Pain in Legs and Feet
- Worried About Medications
- Cannot Stand for Long Periods of time
Jackie was told that nothing could be done for her neuropathy. The doctors said she needed surgery
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- NO Pain In Legs and Feet
- Able to walk
- No More Neuropathy Meds
- Can Sleep
- No More Problems
- Would Not Change a Thing
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Constant Pain
- Pain in Legs and Feet
- Did Not Want To Eat
- Could Not Sleep
- Problems Walking
- Told By Doctors Nothing Could be Done
Lora was losing her ability to spend time with her grand daugther. Nothing was helping her with her neuropathy until she came to our office. Listen to her words on how she is now neuropathy free
How Do We Help Peripheral Neuropathy
The NRM process is a unique treatment developed and tested by Dr. Bao Thai DC. He has spent the last 10 years researching and testing new and innovative ways to help patients with Neuropathy get results! He travels all around the world to discover and learn better ways of dealing with neuropathy. His background in nerves has helped him help thousands of patients to this point.
The NRM process does NOT involve surgery or medications. It is ONLY available in Dr. Thai's Carrollton and Houston offices.
How we have been able to help so many people as we have, is based on experience and knowledge. Neuropathy is what we know and do the best.
Neuropathy help that will put that feeling back into your feet
If you are that the point where your neuropathy is taking over your life, do not lose hope. We help you effortlessly save your nerves with our published peer reviewed proprietary treatment process. You do not have to believe us. Watch our patients tell you themselves how they are now neuropathy free.

Vietnam Veteran Glenn Had Neuropathy Issues for 30 Years. Walking was like walking through a Mine Field
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- Balance is Improving
- Numbness 3/10
- Can Dance Again
- Total Believer
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Problems Feet
- Feet Were 100% Numb
- Neuropathy Balance Syndrome
- Tingling 5/10
- Non Believer
- Doctors Told No Treatment
- Walking and Standing are difficult
Meet the Wonderful Diane Talk About How Her Diabetic Neuropathy Is No Longer Part of Her Life
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Symptoms Hands and Feet
- Pain 7/10
- Numbness 8/10
- Tingling 5/10
- Pain worse at night
- HX of Lumbar Surgeries
- Spinal Stimulator
- Spinal Injections
- Walking and Standing are difficult
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- Symptoms Hands and Feet
- Pain 1/10
- Numbness 1/10
- Tingling 1/10
- Pain NOT worse at night
- Walking and Standing are
STRONGER than ever
Neuropathy is a condition that can be helped. Most of the time it is a condition where the myelin sheath the part of the nerve that insulates it has been destroyed. Once that occurs the nerve now fails to function like it should. If you restore the myelin, the nerve functions again.

Diana Had Failed Back Surgery Induced. She Even Had A Screw Break in Her Back. She Could Not Walk Or Play With Her Kids. Watch Her Miraculous Story
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- Symptoms Back and Feet
- Pain 3/10
- Able To Walk
- Able To Reduce Pain Medications
- Able To Play With Kids
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Surgery Induced Neuropathy
- Pain 10/10
- Medications Not Effective
- Pain Upon Walking
- Pain worse at night
- HX of Lumbar Surgeries
- Fracture of Spine
- Walking and Standing are difficult
Dan was told that his neuropathy would never get well
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- Hands Completely Symptom Free
- Feet 95% Improved
- 100% Happy
- Able to hold things
- Dan is stronger than ever
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Neuropathy Started 10 Years Ago
- Burning 8/10
- Pain 8/10
- Idiopathic
- Told It Would Never Get Better
- Feet and Hands Were Symptomatic
- Could Not Hold Things
- Balance Issues

Medications that control your diabetes does NOT prevent you from getting peripheral neuropathy. The medications are helping create a synthetic result. There is nothing that can compare to your pancreas producing insulin.
Jim was let down by his neuropathy doctors. No one had answers, just medications.
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- No More Issues in the Feet
- Balance is Back
- Feeling Back In the Feet
- Able to Stand
- Able to Walk
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Issues are in the feet
- No Balance
- Pain in the legs and feet
- Feet Numb
- Could Not Stand
- Could Not Walk For Long Periods
- Afraid of Being in a Wheel Chair
How Do We Help Peripheral Neuropathy
The NRM process is a unique treatment developed and tested by Dr. Bao Thai DC. He has spent the last 10 years researching and testing new and innovative ways to help patients with Neuropathy get results! He travels all around the world to discover and learn better ways of dealing with neuropathy. His background in nerves has helped him help thousands of patients to this point. The process has even been published in the World Journal of Neuroscience. You can review here.
The NRM process helps patients avoid surgery and medications. It is ONLY available in Dr. Thai's Carrollton and Houston offices.
How we have been able to help so many people as we have, is based on experience and knowledge. Neuropathy is what we know and what we do the best.

Long term use of blood pressure or cholesterol medications can lead to peripheral neuropathy. Other medications that list peripheral neuropathy as a side effect are anti-depressants, steroids, anti-biotics, heart medications, and chemotherapies.
Ninfa developed Type 1 Diabetic Neuropathy. She sought help every where only to be told nothing could be done. Watch her story of now how she is living without the neuropathy symptoms
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- No More Neuropathy in the Feet
- Balance is Back
- Feeling Back In the Feet
- Able to Stand
- Able to Walk
- Pain 1/10
- Able to sleep
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Issues are in the feet
- Sleep Affected
- Cannot Stand for Long Periods
- Not Able to Perform Housework
- Neuropathy Worse at Night
- Pain 8/10
Leida's Neuropathy was so BAD she had to use a cane to walk. When she went to the grocery store she had to use a motorized cart. Watch her testimonial how she is now walking and living life without neuropathy
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- No More Neuropathy in the Feet
- Burning 1/10
- Tingling 1/10
- Numbness 1/10
- No More Using A Cane
- No Longer on Neuropathy Meds
- So Happy
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Symptoms in both feet
- Burning 8/10
- Tingling 7/10
- Numbness 8/10
- Constant All Day Long
- Had to Use a Cane
- Tried Tens Unit and Injections with NO success
- Neuropathy Medications NOT Effective

A major reason why nerves do not repair at a fast rate as we get older is that your body purposely slows that process. When we were younger and growing our bodies were in a different state than where they are today. Since we are not growing anymore, our body shuts down the nerve growing phase. So when you develop neuropathies, they never get better on their own.
Listen to Ken talk about his Surgery Induced Neuropathy
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- Immediate Relief
- Pain 1/10
- Burning1/10
- Stiffness 1/10
- Able to sleep at night
- Ken is stronger and better than ever
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Surgery Induced Neuropathy
- Neuropathy in Feet For 4 Years
- Pain 6/10
- Burning
- Stiffness
- L4 Laminectomy Induced
- Cannot spend time with his family
Do You Have Idiopathic Neuropathy and Have Not Gotten Results? Watch April Talk About How She is 100% Better
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- Walking Feels almost Normal
- Pain 1/10
- Stiffness 1/10
- Able to be Active Again
- Able to sleep at night
- No More Worrying About Not Being Able To Walk
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Genetic Induced Neuropathy
- Walking on Glass Feeling in Feet
- Pain 9/10
- Sleep Problems from Pain
- Suffered for 10 Years
- Doctors Seen - Podiatrist, Neurologist, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists
- Treatments Tried - Tens, Massage, Cryo, Medications

That exercise, an anti-inflammatory diet, and any treatments that helps the myelin sheath reform is the pathway to getting better. When you focus on the things that address the root cause of the problem the result is always going to be positive.
Have You Had Lumbar Surgery and Developed Neuropathy? Watch Lotti's Video on How She Does Not Have Neuropathy Anymore
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- Walking Feels Normal
- Pain 1/10
- Able to sleep at night
- Able to be Active Again
- No More Worrying About Not Being Able To Walk
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Surgery Induced Neuropathy
- Onset 6 Years
- Hands and Feet Burn and Hot
- Sleep Problems from Pain
- On Pain Meds
- Walking on Nails Feeling in Her Feet
- Skeptical at First
Ellyn Went to So Many Doctors That Told Her Neuropathy Would Never Be Better. She Showed Them
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- No More Balance Problems
- Pain 1/10
- Able to sleep at night
- Able to be Active Again
- No More Worrying About Not Being Able To Walk
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Idiopathic Induced Neuropathy
- Onset 3 Years
- Neuropathy Balance Problems
- Seen Many Doctors
- On Pain Meds
- Skeptical at First
- Burning Pain

Using walking aids like a cane or walker is only going to weaken your muscles and make your brain forget how to walk. Your bodies ability to walk is dependent on muscles, nerve function, and brain memory. When a patient uses a cane and forgets how to walk, so does your brain.
Connie threw away her CANE on LIVE TV
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- NO More Balance Problems
- Plays Tennis
- Can Hike and Go on Vacation
- Able to be Active Again
- No More Worrying About Not Being Able To Walk
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Idiopathic Induced Neuropathy
- Used a Cane To Walk
- Neuropathy Balance Problems
- Could NOT Walk
- Could NOT Wear Shoes
Bill Developed Neuropathy From Chemotherapy. He was told that he had to live with it. Were they ever wrong
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- NO Pain In Legs and Feet
- Happy as Ever
- Is Active
- Wants to be Around His Family
- Doing Great!
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Chemo Induced Neuropathy
- Pain in Legs and Feet
- Never Felt Happy
- Could NOT Walk
- Could NOT Wear Shoes
How Do We Help Peripheral Neuropathy
The NRM process is a unique treatment developed and tested by Dr. Bao Thai DC. He has spent the last 10 years researching and testing new and innovative ways to help patients with Neuropathy get results! He travels all around the world to discover and learn better ways of dealing with neuropathy. His background in nerves has helped him help thousands of patients to this point.
The NRM process helps patients avoid surgery and medications. It is ONLY available in Dr. Thai's Carrollton and Houston offices.
How we have been able to help so many people as we have, is based on experience and knowledge. Neuropathy is what we know and what we do the best.
Ronnie is a pharmacist. He developed Neuropathy and wanted a different solution than what his doctor prescribed
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- NO Pain In Legs and Feet
- Able to stand for long periods
- No More Neuropathy Meds
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Diabetic Induced Neuropathy
- Pain in Legs and Feet
- Worried About Medications
- Cannot Stand for Long Periods of time
Jackie was told that nothing could be done for her neuropathy. The doctors said she needed surgery
Neuropathy Post Treatment Result
- NO Pain In Legs and Feet
- Able to walk
- No More Neuropathy Meds
- Can Sleep
- No More Problems
- Would Not Change a Thing
Neuropathy History Prior to Treatment
- Constant Pain
- Pain in Legs and Feet
- Did Not Want To Eat
- Could Not Sleep
- Problems Walking
- Told By Doctors Nothing Could be Done
Lora was losing her ability to spend time with her grand daugther. Nothing was helping her with her neuropathy until she came to our office. Listen to her words on how she is now neuropathy free
How Do We Help Peripheral Neuropathy
The NRM process is a unique treatment developed and tested by Dr. Bao Thai DC. He has spent the last 10 years researching and testing new and innovative ways to help patients with Neuropathy get results! He travels all around the world to discover and learn better ways of dealing with neuropathy. His background in nerves has helped him help thousands of patients to this point.
The NRM process does NOT involve surgery or medications. It is ONLY available in Dr. Thai's Carrollton and Houston offices.
How we have been able to help so many people as we have, is based on experience and knowledge. Neuropathy is what we know and do the best.