Kevin went to neurologists only to get a blank stare that nothing could be done for his neuropathy. He continued to get worse to where he could not do charity work that made him the most happy. He did not want to take medications for his neuropathy. Kevin wanted real results and found help for his neuropathy at our office. Today Kevin is a new man and neuropathy free!
Laurel's neuropathy got so bad she stepped on a piece of glass and did not even know it. She started to see her quality of life disappear as her neuropathy got worse. Today after seeing Dr. Thai's team at Advanced Nerve and Health Center her neuropathy is gone. Laurel's life is back. She is peripheral neuropathy free and happy as can be! Neuropathy is something that you do not have to live with. It is only a state, that with the proper treatment neuropathy can be helped.
​Peripheral neuropathy continues to effect millions of Americans everyday. Michael was one of these people. He could not walk becuase of his neuropathy pain. Now today after going through our Neuropathy Rescue Method treatment, he is pain free. He is pain free from neuropathy. This means no more meds and no more neuropathy. Even after all his doctors even said nothing can be done for neuropathy. He is off his meds and neuropathy free. He beat neuropathy!
Jerry and his wife Virginia loves fishing. Jerry developed neuropathy years ago from diabetes. He went to doctor after doctor only to get the " There is nothing that can be done. " Jerry's neuropathy was so bad he could not stand for more than 5 minutes. Today after going through our treatments, his standing fishing and loving life again.
Kathleen had neuropathy so bad from chemotherapy. She wanted to get her life back after beating cancer. Today, no more neuropathy and no more gabapentin. Treatment works.
Gloria tried many therapies and went to so many doctors and nothing could help her neuropathy! Today she finished our neuropathy treatment process and is 80% better!! Neuropathy treatment works!!
Watch Oma's touching story of how she now has feeling in her hands again. Oma suffered from neuropathy in her hands. She had tremendous numbness and could not feel anything at all until today! Our process works again!! Way to go Hunter and Dr. Buckley!!
Brian had neuropathy in his feet and hands!! Today Brian is completely off all of his neuropathy medications! He can sleep and live without medications. His neurologist even told him that he would never get better! WOW!
Leida had neuropathy in her feet. She had to walk with a cane. She is back to normal today. She said her neuropathy is gone!
Charles did not know that sciatic nerve pain is related to neuropathy. With our neuropathy process is so happy to live again!!
Phillip was dealing with neuropathy in his hands that caused tremendous pain. Doctors told him that nothing could be done! Today Phillip can NOW SLEEP AGAIN!! Little to NO PAIN and little to NO numbness!! Our neuropathy treatment works again!!
Eddie is now walking on hard floors. Our neuropathy treatments have helped him walk on hard floors again without shoes! Neuropathy treatments that worked on the pain in his feet!
John is getting our neuropathy treatments and they are working!! He is doing amazing. His diabetes is doing fantastic too!!!
Shanon's NEUROPATHY is 60% better. He was also able to get off all his diabetes medication!
Fritz had neuropathy in his feet for over 2 years. Pins and needles ruined his life. More sensation is coming back, Praise God!!
Rita went from a wheel chair to now walking with our neuropathy treatment.
Bill has no more neuropathy in his feet! Success with our neuropathy treatment!
Ken had developed neuropathy as a result of chemotherapy. He developed horrible neuropathy in his feet. Today our neuropathy treatments work and Ken is back with no more neuropathy!
Clyde had neuropathy for over 20 years! Pain in his legs ruined his life!! Today he is 100% pain free!
Becky had neuropathy in her feet due to diabetes. It was destroying her quality of life. The numbness tingling and pain in her feet were unbearable!! With the help of our treatment today she is 100% neuropathy free!
Carolyn had horrible neuropathy!! It was destroying her life. Today she said she is 90 to 100% neuropathy free!! Neuropathy treatment that works!