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Resistance workouts are the key to neuropathy

Neuropathy is a debilitating condition that literally stops you in your tracks. The damage to your peripheral nerves often leads to people having balance problems to living in a wheel chair. This is the reality that many will face. Neuropathy can be caused by

- Diabetes

- Chemotherapy

- Surgery

- Medication use

- Circulation related

- and many more

We know that neuropathy left using conventional methods still results in deterioration of the nerve. Medications do not heal the nerve. Medications do not reverse neuropathy. This was true for Bill, Mary, Bob, Cynthia, Betty, Margaret, Alice, Sam, Doak, Sherry, and the other thousands of patients that have come into our office or called us. It is a nasty condition that will cause a negative impact on your quality of life.

In today's blog I wanted to share a quick tip on something that you should be doing to keep your nerves alive. It is resistance training. Your probably thinking I can barely walk, why do you want me to exercise with weights? Weights will keep your nerves alive. Now I don't want you to Arnold and workout with 500 pounds. I am talking about simple 2 1/2 pound ankle weights. These ankle weights will be your savior. Here is what they look like.

I found these at walmart for about $10. This is all you need. You can use the weights in many ways. Here are some exercises you should be doing. I got these images from weight watchers.

I would have you do these exercises every day. Start with 10 of each of these exercises. Be careful if you feel like it is too much reduce the reps. Do what you can. Any exercises are better than nothing. You have to keep that muscle active so it does not lose it's ability to work. This is something easy that you should be doing everyday. If it gets to easy then add more reps or even more weight. Start walking around with the ankle weights. Get creative and you will be better! Don't let neuropathy get you down. Instead get proactive and beat that peripheral neuropathy for good!

God Bless

Dr. Thai

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